Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Travian Crop Calculator

Travian Crop Calculator

Travian Crop Calculator

This tool helps you to manage crop state and arrivals into your villages.

Very simple to use, all you need is copy all marketplace page on Travian, paste it in the text box and click submit. It calculates state of crop in granary in the time when deliveries arrive, if no merchants arrives, tool has nothing to calculate. You can also see quantity of crop, name of the player and village from which he sends that crop. Calculator is tested and working on 37 different languages, automatic language detection, based on text you paste it in the box.

When crop consumption is much higher then production it's very hard to manage crop arrivals and be sure that your army wouldn't starve. That problem is most appreciable with the WW village.
Some people use illegal script to deal with this problem. Unlike scripts, Travian Crop Calculator is legal, doesn't have access to your travian account, it doesn't require login or password, or any kind of registration, just copy of marketplace. Works on Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari and Google Chrome, and it's faster then similar programs because of it's simplicity.


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