Saturday, March 19, 2011

New Grey Natarian Area of T4

All Wonder of the World villages are located in the centre of the map right from the
start of the server. If you take a look on the map, you will see a grey area in the
centre. That is the area controlled by the Natarian tribe. No player will spawn in that
area during account creation.
Settling in the grey area is dangerous. The Natarian tribe will launch several attacking
waves with catapults in an attempt to destroy the new village. If your village survives
those attacks, no further attacks will follow.
Villages located in that area do not produce any culture points. So if a player settles in
that area and survives the attacks, that village will not produce any culture points,
regardless of the buildings the player may build.
Natarian villages containing an artefact
Unlike Wonder of the World villages, Natarian villages containing an artefact are not
located on the map right from the start of the server. The villages will spawn randomly
after several month.

Source: Travian News International


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